Understanding The Implications Of Local Law 87 On Your Business

Business owners need to understand the implications of local laws that pertain to their operations. Local Law 87, or the Greener Greater Buildings Plan, is one such law that is applicable to businesses in New York City. It was enacted in 2009 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings in the city.

Scope Of Local Law 87

The scope of Local Law 87 covers buildings that are larger than 50,000 square feet and were built before 1975. These buildings are required to conduct energy audits every ten years and to submit energy efficiency reports to the Department of Buildings. The purpose of these reports is to identify energy efficiency measures that the building can implement in order to reduce its energy consumption and emissions. You can also go through this site to contact an energy consultant for local law 87 implications.


Local Law 87 requires that buildings comply with certain energy efficiency requirements. These requirements include installing energy efficient lighting, improving insulation, upgrading HVAC systems, and replacing single-pane windows with more efficient double-pane windows. Additionally, the law requires that buildings monitor their energy usage and submit an energy efficiency report to the Department of Buildings.


The implications of Local Law 87 for business owners depend on the size of their building and how old it is. Owners of buildings that are subject to Local Law 87 will need to ensure that their building meets the required energy efficiency standards. This could involve making significant investments in upgrading the building’s systems and fixtures, as well as conducting regular energy audits. Additionally, owners may need to hire energy efficiency consultants to help them identify and implement energy efficiency measures.


The benefits of complying with Local Law 87 are significant. Not only will businesses be able to reduce their energy consumption and emissions, they will also be able to save money in the long run. By making energy efficiency upgrades, businesses can reduce their monthly energy bills and save money. Additionally, businesses that comply with Local Law 87 can take advantage of tax credits and incentives that are available for energy efficiency projects.

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