Neograft Hair Transplant: A Non-Invasive Solution for Hair Loss

Neograft hair transplants are an increasingly popular, non-invasive solution for hair loss. Unlike traditional hair transplants, Neograft uses a patented follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique to remove individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplant them into the recipient area. This method of hair transplantation is minimally invasive, has a shorter recovery time, and produces more natural-looking results. 

The Neograft hair transplant is relatively simple. During the procedure, a physician will use a special device to extract individual hair follicles from the donor area. These follicles are then carefully placed into the recipient area where they will grow for the rest of the patient’s life. The entire procedure is done under local anesthesia and generally takes between 2-4 hours. 


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A neograft hair transplant is a very safe procedure and has minimal risk of infection or scarring. It is also more cost-effective than traditional hair transplantation. In addition to being less invasive and more affordable, Neograft hair transplants also offer some additional benefits. For example, this procedure can be used to restore hairline along the forehead, fill in thinning areas on the scalp, and even restore eyebrows and eyelashes. 

Overall, Neograft hair transplants are a great option for those who want to restore their hair without undergoing a more invasive procedure. This treatment is minimally invasive, cost-effective, and yields natural-looking results. Although the procedure does require some recovery time, overall it is a safe and effective solution for hair loss.

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